Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Changes changes everywhere!

Hi my name is Jess! And I've decided to start blogging because i love to read other peoples blogs! sooo well, here we go:)

My life has never changed so fast as it did these last few months. I have now switched schools, a family friend has died of cancer, and my church has lost some awesome people.

 I now am attending Valor Christian High school. We did not know that I was going to go there this year, it was totally a Wow God thing for me. My dad had saw online that Douglas county was giving out "vouchers" which would help pay for students to go to private schools. I applied for the voucher this past summer and we had found out that i was one of the 500 to get it! we were so excited until we found out that Douglas county wasn't going to give the money anymore because of controverisal issues with private christian schools. Something to do with church and state, i don't really know hah. All we knew is that we weren't going to get the money. By this time, I had already applied to Valor and was getting everything I needed so that I could get in. But since the voucher didn't go through, I kinda just accepted that I wasn't going to go to valor. I was a little bummed but I knew that if God really wanted me there, I would be there. My mom picked me up the next day from school and told me that Valor had called her saying that some annoyomus donator was going to give me the money that the Voucher would have covered! I had never been so shocked. Someone who I didn't know and maybe never will, was going to donate money to me?! me! Wow. All I can say is expect the unexpected from God. He is SOO good. I of course broke down in tears haha because
I had never been so grateful and so thankful for someone I didn't even know. We still had a few loose ends to wrap up with Valor, and even with the donation we didn't know if I would be able to go because it didn't cover all of the tution. We applied for financial aid and waited to hear back. I had already started school at mountain vista so it was three looooonnnnnngggg days. But finally we heard back and they were going to cover what we needed them to! I have learned now to never stress about money. God is so faithful and he is bigger than ANY amount of money. And since everything came together so perfectly, I started Valor the next day. If God's will is to have you go somewhere. He will get you there. Trust:) 

I will go for you where ever you ask me too<3

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." 
Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Look forward to reading more. God is good fo'sho!
