Sunday, June 10, 2012

Adios Colorado!

Hola Nicaragua!

After much waiting and working and preparing for this trip, it finally is only 4 days away! I have never been so excited in my life! God has been SO good. I got more than enough money to cover the trip, and have everything that I need to go. And I was worried about money...pishha. I know that God has called me to Nicaragua for a reason, and I can't wait to find out what that is. Not only do I get to go on my first plane ride EVER, but I also get to get out of the United States and see what the rest of the world is about. So many new and exciting adventures are in store! I am so blessed that I got to go to Valor this year, because without Valor I wouldn't be going to Nicaragua. I am glad that the opportunity was put on my plate and that my family and I accepted it. 

I would like to ask prayer for safety and open hearts in my teams time in Nicaragua, and that God will be up to big things with us. How can you not be changed by an out of the country mission trip?! 

My newest thing I have been working on is surrendering and it's not easy to surrender your whole life to God, but when you do, there's so many rewards that are in store for you. Little by little I am getting better at it, and the more I surrender, the more room God has to be present in my life. I encourage you to surrender to God, because he's the one in control and you don't have to do it by yourself.

For Nicaragua, my team's name is Gozo which means Joy in spanish, and on this trip I really want to challenge myself to be joyful in ALL situations. I know I can be grumpy at times when things don't go my way, but I really want to change that and just be joyful and pleasant to be around at all times. 

I am so stoked to go on this trip and I'm praying that my life will be changed<3

"I will go for you, where ever you ask me to, I'll be your voice speaking hope to hopeless, Your hands giving help to the broken, I will go for you." 

" I wanna set the world on fire until its burning bright for you. I wanna feed the hungry children and reach across the father's land, and tell the broken there is healing and mercy in the father's hand.

I am small but you are BIG enough. I  am weak but you are STRONG enough."

Monday, February 27, 2012

Worry Worry

Well the last few weeks have been crazy! And I feel like my life never slows down, but I have learned some pretty awesome stuff in these last busy weeks. 

I was so blessed to go on a girls retreat with my advisory at Valor! One of my advisors has a ranch up in Silver Thorn, and let's just say it's a piece of heaven on earth. I love Colorado because of the mountains and on this retreat I felt like for the first time I realized how beautiful the mountains really are. In my head I just kept saying, "God created that!" Like how awesome is it that God can make a mound of land and make it so beautiful, like its just dirt but it has a blissfulness about it. But finally we reached the ranch in Silver thorn and the house was completely stunning. My jaw totally dropped when I saw it. Us girls tried counting the bedrooms and we got like 17? it was so insane! The prettiest country house I've ever been to. The first night we went swimming in the indoor pool! Like my mind still can't comprehend it haha. The next day we went snowmobiling, which is the best thing you could ever do in winter and I highly suggest it, although it's SUPER scary and I almost fell off.. but hey what's life without a little bit of adventure? We also went horseback riding which was totally cool, but I don't think I'm going to become a pro anytime soon... haha. I also felt super awkward when the horse started peeing while I was riding it.... like I wouldn't want someone on my back while I'm doing my business hahahah. So as you can see it was an amazing time! and it was extremely nice to get away for a little while. Oh and P.S. It was called TYL ranch. Thank You Lord. And I totally understood why they called it that:) 

With the play at Valor coming up, my life has been school, rehearsal, eat, homework, sleep. Repeat. hahah it's totally time consuming but I am so loving being apart of something at Valor. All the theatre people are awesome and totally insane hah but I love it. And I can't believe the first show is in like 2 weeks? Ah! so soon! I feel like we just started rehearsing! But this play is going to be soooo out of this world! I can't wait to do my film part where I get to wash Jesus's feet with my hair! haaaa nott. But whatevs I'll get over it.. ha. I know that this play will impact so many lives and I'm hoping it will bring some peeps to Jesus:) Love it. 

Nicaragua trip is in like 4 months?! Feels like a long way away but I know it'll be here soon! We had our first meeting yesterday and my Gozo group is totally awesome. And for this trip I get to start a new journal so I was very very happy! hah. But I have been totally stressing about the money part of the trip:/ I have sent the support letters and I am just praying that all the people I sent it to will be generous and supportive for the trip. But there is like this little doubt in my mind, and it's like God is so much greater than money and I have to keep telling myself to stop worrying. If God wants me in Nicaragua, he will get me to Nicaragua. I don't know why I doubt so much when he's come through many times before. I just need to really believe that he has the plan and he is the one in charge, not me. 

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself."
Matthew 6:34

"Give thanks always and for everything."
Ephesians 5:20

God has been so good to me and I am so grateful for his blessings:)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Beauty out of ashes

We all go through storms in life. Some of us go through big storms, while others go through small storms. The song blessings by Laura Story says "what if your blessings come through raindrops, what if your healing comes through tears, what if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near." I always knew what the song was trying to say, but I never actually felt and experienced the meaning. The last few days have been a bit rough, but that song really gives me hope and its like I can see Jesus, my light, at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we have to go through the pain and hard times because coming out of it we become stronger. I do not believe that God enjoys seeing us suffer, but he is the one that makes beauty out of ashes. Through everything have joy because God's taking care of it. The hardest part of that is giving everything, all your worries, insecurities, and fears to God. For some odd reason we try to hold on to those when all we really need to do is let those go, and let God handle it. This world isn't perfect and your going to face trials but give your worries to God and let the creator handle it. 

Prayers are always appreciated. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not own your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself."
Matthew 6:34

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all your understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The best thing you could do

I can't believe break is almost over! It has gone by soo fast! Christmas was great, New years was crazy, but instead of boring you with all the details I'll give you the short version. For Christmas eve we headed to the Trujillo's and had a very fun night filled with tamales and presents. Since there is so many people in my family we draw names for one person we get to buy a present for. I was passing out the presents and after all of them were passed out I had only recieved one which was a pair of earrings, being my selfish self I was confused on why I didn't get a bigger present. Come to find out my Grandma left my present at their little house in alamosa.....about 5 hours away. Hahahahah I just laughed and will be recieving my sewing machine in march just in time for my birthday! Crazy old folks;) I spent new years with my cousins and had the best time:) lots of laughs and bonding time.

Lately I've been thinking about presents in general. Not saying I don't enjoy getting gifts! But sometimes I feel like I get all this anticipation for Christmas and the presents and I end up disappointed. But not because I didn't get what I want, but because no matter what present you get, it doesn't make you happy like you think it would. After all its only material things. They can't satisfy you. Jesus, family and friends are the most important things you need in your life. Presents are nice, but having family is better. That's something that is always there for you and that is real. 

Also I've been trying to figure out my love language and I used to think it was touch... but I think I have a different love language of my own! hahah. I think my love language is notes. I save every. single. note. anyone in my whole life has given me! And whenever I'm feeling down or sad I pop into my note drawer and read some of my notes:) And every time I get a smile on my face. And I'm not talking about like one sentence sticky notes. I'm talking about like full paragraphs on paper! They make me soo happy. So if you ever want to do something nice for me....write me a note;) I'd take that over a hug any day.

Share with me your love language! Everyone needs love. 

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."
1 John 4:7-8