Sunday, June 10, 2012

Adios Colorado!

Hola Nicaragua!

After much waiting and working and preparing for this trip, it finally is only 4 days away! I have never been so excited in my life! God has been SO good. I got more than enough money to cover the trip, and have everything that I need to go. And I was worried about money...pishha. I know that God has called me to Nicaragua for a reason, and I can't wait to find out what that is. Not only do I get to go on my first plane ride EVER, but I also get to get out of the United States and see what the rest of the world is about. So many new and exciting adventures are in store! I am so blessed that I got to go to Valor this year, because without Valor I wouldn't be going to Nicaragua. I am glad that the opportunity was put on my plate and that my family and I accepted it. 

I would like to ask prayer for safety and open hearts in my teams time in Nicaragua, and that God will be up to big things with us. How can you not be changed by an out of the country mission trip?! 

My newest thing I have been working on is surrendering and it's not easy to surrender your whole life to God, but when you do, there's so many rewards that are in store for you. Little by little I am getting better at it, and the more I surrender, the more room God has to be present in my life. I encourage you to surrender to God, because he's the one in control and you don't have to do it by yourself.

For Nicaragua, my team's name is Gozo which means Joy in spanish, and on this trip I really want to challenge myself to be joyful in ALL situations. I know I can be grumpy at times when things don't go my way, but I really want to change that and just be joyful and pleasant to be around at all times. 

I am so stoked to go on this trip and I'm praying that my life will be changed<3

"I will go for you, where ever you ask me to, I'll be your voice speaking hope to hopeless, Your hands giving help to the broken, I will go for you." 

" I wanna set the world on fire until its burning bright for you. I wanna feed the hungry children and reach across the father's land, and tell the broken there is healing and mercy in the father's hand.

I am small but you are BIG enough. I  am weak but you are STRONG enough."

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